Here is yet another blog about the good old hobby of Role Playing Games. First I guess a little about myself is needed. I've been playing RPG's for over 10 years now. My first experience was with Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition. I was just a kid but I'd always had a fascination with the fantasy genre, and after somehow learning about D&D a friend and I went to our local game store and with next to no idea what a Role Playing Game actually was we started looking for D&D stuff. We stumbled upon some old AD&D rule books but were quickly shown to the newly released (and much more expensive) third edition books. It wasn't for a few years before we managed to get more players and actually play properly but I read the crap out of those books and loved every page. I am now coming to the close of a very long standing 4E campaign with that very same friend I discovered the game with years ago (plus a few other people) and beginning to plan what game to play next, which will hopefully be something completely different.
The aim of this blog I suppose is to share my experience playing Role Playing Games and with a little bit of luck help one or two people get started with the hobby. I will post Player and Roleplaying tips as well as GM tips as I think the former is under represented in the blogging world. I'll probably put up a few reviews of systems and RPG related things from time to time and share any news I happen to get over excited about (which could be a lot). Plus I will hopefully be able to entertain a few people with some funny stories along the way too.
For those of you who may have read this thank you, and make sure to come back soon.
Please tell me you got the name from one of spoony's counter monkey episodes of the same name.